Pep Rally 2024
Every year, Billerica Memorial High School has a Pep Rally. This is an in-school event where the entire school (grades 8-12) come together. The week before, we engage in a "Spirit Week" during which each grade competes to get the most points. The week ends with the rally itself. For the past few years, Team 4909 has been participating in various Pep Rally Events. We have built a T-Shirt cannon to shoot school shirts into the crowd. We have also used one of our robots to have class advisers compete to catch a ball in a gallon-bucket.
Girl Scouts 2016
During the season one of our local Girl Scout troop #76249 came into our shop. The girls learned about FIRST, our different robots from past years, and ways they can get involved in STEM. We wanted to provide the Girl Scouts with more information about what it is like to be on a robotics team and the exciting engineering and technology that is involved. In addition, we encouraged them to join our local FLL, FTC and VEX robotics teams in order to be part of Billerica’s rewarding STEM pipeline. At the end of the night, they were each eligible for one of their robotics patches and are halfway towards receiving another. We hope to host them again in the very near future and would love help them earn the remaining two robotics badges.
FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Challenge & VEX 2014-2023
Following our very successful first season as a rookie team, we have been working to bring the message of FIRST to our community. We are now mentoring two FIRST Lego League (FLL) teams at the Billerica Recreation Department (the Billerica Bots and the Billerica Microbots), an FTC team at the Marshall Middle School and a VEX team at the Locke Middle School. It is our pride and practice as a FIRST robotics team to spread the word about the FIRST organization, and cultivate a love for STEM subjects for our future generations.