Each competition season the team develops software to control the robot for that season. We have also begun branching out into other areas of software development including web applications and Android apps for scouting data collection.
The Green Alliance
Scouting Server
The Green Alliance (TGA) is a Scouting System built by Team 4909 that can be used to collect data about teams across the country at multiple competitions. After the start up of the app during the 2017 season, many teams decided to join the initiative. TGA has been designed from the ground up to enable teams to share data beyond any event, district, or region. This influx of data is especially beneficial to teams at higher levels of play as they have more data to reference in strategic decisions and picking alliance partners. TGA consists of a cross-platform application and a community of the members of FIRST who are willing to gather scouting data for the collective. Collected data will be accessible to all teams involved via a secure website. Currently, we have about 50-60 teams throughout the United States, Canada, and Australia committed to collect data from district and regional events. TGA's users have been consistently growing and we are actively seeking new teams to join our mission to help consolidate scouting data, on a global scale.
TGA Interface
*If you would like to learn more or join The Green Alliance initiative, please reach out to us at [email protected]