Name: Damian Trinidad Title: Mechanical Team Member Years on Team: 4 Areas of Focus and Responsibilities: “I am a build lead on Team 4909. I lead a group of fellow students to design and manufacture intake and indexer subsystems.” Damian also deals with most motors that go on the robot as well as many related electrical components. Impact FIRST has had: “I was a very quiet kid before getting into FIRST. It has allowed me to build social skills, and directly influenced my future plans.” Favorite 4909 memory: “My favorite memory was the 2019 World Championship. Spending a week with some of my favorite people was awesome. I also loved being able to compete on a world scale, with not only teams from New England but teams from all over the world.” Plans After High School: “I plan on going to college for mechanical engineering.” Ideal Job: Work at an engineering company to help get us to Mars.
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April 2024